Tag Archives: One Lovely Blog Award

One Lovely Blog Award

Julie Stock, the up-and-coming indie author of the eagerly anticipated novel From Here to Nashville, has nominated me for the “One Lovely Blog Award” and asked me to share seven things about myself – seven things that the average person might not know.


Now, let me just say up front that I’m b-o-r-i-n-g. I don’t have any deep, scary secrets or a license to kill. I do the laundry. I get the mail. I take the dog for a walk and feed the parakeets, and I do these things every single day.

The only remotely interesting thing about me is…I write.

And I do love writing. So, I’ve agreed to try and come up with seven things about me that won’t (hopefully) leave you weeping with ennui, begging for a meteor to fall on your head and put you out of your misery because you can’t stand to read one. More. Boring. Word.

So, here goes.

  • I won’t eat the bruised, brown parts of a banana. Nope. The rest of that banana might be flawless; but if there’s one brown, mushy spot, it’s not happening.
  • I’ve never eaten a whole crab…and I don’t know how. Crab mallet? What the hell am I supposed to do with that? Whack it on it’s tiny crustacean head and, what – stun it to death? Play a game of crab croquet?  (But put crabmeat in front of me on a plate in the form of a crab cake or a crab-stuffed flounder, and I’m on it. With plenty of lemon juice, and either (a) lots of beer or (b) a bottle of white wine.)
  • I’ve never seen Grey’s Anatomy. Or Game of Thrones. And I’m fine with that. Who has time? There’s so many great books yet to read.
  • I play keyboards. Adequately. Well, no – semi-badly. But I have fun and no animals are injured in the process (other than their hearing, maybe), so I’ll keep playing. My family will just have to deal with it.
  • I love to read cookbooks. Not to make the recipes…no, I just like to page through, my mouth watering, and think about maybe – someday – actually attempting to make those fabulous raspberry-lime macarons or the 40-Cloves-of-Garlic roasted chicken.
  • I’m a terrible housekeeper. I do the bare minimum – clean the toilets once or twice a week, vacuum every day, dust a little bit – but I’d rather write. Or look at those cookbooks.
  • I  Twitter. When I first created my account (with exactly 6 followers, all of them my friends and family), people asked why? Why do you want a Twitter account? Aren’t you afraid of crazies and psychos and stalkers?

Well…not really. While of course one must be cautious – don’t Tweet your address, don’t tell the world your house will be empty for two weeks while you’re on vacation in Ibiza, duh – I’ve met lots of great people on Twitter and Facebook. I’ve met people from all over the world. And I’ve made some real and lasting friendships.

I’ve Tweeted with Richard Simmons (he’s hilarious and sweet), Ron Carlivati (fun head writer on the ABC soap opera, “General Hospital”), and Joanne Harris (author of “Chocolat” and “Peaches for Monsieur Le Cure”). After a few ‘SQUEE’ seconds, I managed to stop fan-girling long enough to compose semi-coherent Tweets back.

Where else but Twitter could you do that? These are folks I’d never meet in the course of my dull, ordinary, pedestrian life as a writer.

So there you have it…seven things about me you didn’t know. Or maybe you did. Or maybe you didn’t want to know.

Or maybe you’ve already fallen asleep.  In which case, I apologize…

Here, in no particular order, are 10 blogs I highly recommend:

  1. Lynda Renham, Romantic Comedy Writer – Lynda Renham
  2. Mark Barry, Author & Blogger – The Wizard’s Cauldron
  3. Robyn Koshel, Book Reviewer and Writer – Elder Park Book Reviews
  4. Debi V. Smith, Food Blogger and Writer – Chocolate Wasteland
  5. Aurelia B. Rowl, YA/Contemporary Romance Author – Aurelia B. Rowl
  6. Jane Isaac, Crime Writer – Caffeine’s Not a Crime
  7. Linda Huber, Author – Linda Huber
  8. Lavendar Librarian, Blogger and Reviewer – Lavendar Likes, Loves, Finds and Dreams
  9. Heidi-Jo Swain, Writer and Blogger – Writer’s Blog
  10. Lydia Aswolf-Carey, Social Media Brand Manager and Writer – Lydia Aswolf

The Dating Mr Darcy Trilogy is out now!
