Tag Archives: fiction writing

The Vampire with the Swedish Tattoo

Okay, so a Swedish vampire mystery novel set in 1960s Mississippi might tick all the “hot trend” boxes right now.

But in six weeks or six months, the hot trend will be… something else.  Who knows?  There’s no way to really predict what readers will be reading.

Just as with fashion, it’s fun to chase the latest style; but eventually, most of us outgrow Forever 21.  (Unless one really is a vampire.  Then, sorry to say, one pretty much has to keep up with fashion trends – for eternity.)  The bubble skirts and shoulder pads give way to the tried and true – the trench coat, the cashmere sweater, the worn pair of loafers – because they never go out of style.  After all, classics are classics because they’ve withstood the test of time.  Whether it’s a Chanel suit, Mansfield Park, or a pair of Louboutin shoes, there’s something to be said for a classic.

That’s not to say that innovation is a bad thing.  After all, many current classics of fashion, art, and literature pushed boundaries in their day… some to a shocking degree.  They created something that hadn’t been done, written, scored, or painted before.  They created something new, unique – exciting.

But unless you’re really driven to write that Swedish vampire mystery mashup, don’t do it just to chase the latest market trend.  Tell the story you’re passionate about, the story only you can tell.

And who knows?  You might start a new trend.  Forensic teen wizard Manga romance, anyone?

Email me at katieoliver.ko at gmail dot com.  I’d love to hear from you!