Tag Archives: fiction writing

Black is the New… Black

Yesterday I skimmed through the latest batch of fashion magazines.  Purely out of idle curiosity, mind you.  I’m not what you’d call a very fashion-forward person.  I just like to see how the other (more fashionable) half live.

So – pastels are back!  This is great news… if you want to look like a peanut M&M, and if pale yellow doesn’t make you look like one of the living undead.

If pastels aren’t your thing, the flapper look is very au courant, thanks in part to an upcoming movie remake of “The Great Gatsby.”  So long as you’re flat-chested, skinny, and love t-strap shoes and long, swingy necklaces, you’re all set.  But if, like me, you’re a bit more, erm, generously proportioned, then the “flapper” look is probably, as Herman’s Hermits once sang, “a must to avoid.”

Another hot fashion trend is lace.  Hmm… the last time I wore a lace dress it was the late eighties and I was a first-time bridesmaid for my best friend.  The dress was a hideous shade of peach and the marriage lasted about two minutes.  Come to think of it, I never did get a thank-you note for that popcorn maker I sent the (briefly happy) couple…

Fashion, like so much else, comes and goes in cycles.  Capris – so very sixties Audrey Hepburn – are back in style.  So are kitten heels, and leggings, and striped bateau shirts (think Brigette Bardot and Jane Birkin).  Like most classics, they never left, really.  Thankfully, though, low-rise jeans, and those horrible, Ziggy-Stardust-meets-Frankenstein platform shoes, have fallen out of favor.

Of course, if you’re lucky enough to be Kate Middleton or Alexa Chung, you can pretty much rock any fashion trend.  For myself, I’ll stick with a nice pair of dark-washed jeans, my Converse tennies, and a black Ramones t-shirt.

After all… black (and the Ramones) never goes out of style.