Tag Archives: Books

Diary of an Aspiring Writer, Part 2

Well, Diary, since my last entry (https://katieoliver.com/ko/?p=448), a lot has happened!

Day 126:  Arrive at work Monday morning to find unexpected email from… a LITERARY AGENT!  She likes the query I submitted and wants to see two-page synopsis and first three chapters!

Pause in midst of shouting ‘hallelujah’ and flinging post-it notes and paper clips gleefully into the air.  Just realized… my synopsis is SEVEN PAGES LONG.  Not two.  Oh crap.  Begin to hyperventilate.

With much concentration and barely suppressed panic, somehow compress seven pages to two pages in under 45 minutes.  Email along with first three chapters to agent.  Am inordinately proud of self.  Am acting like true professional.

Day 130:  Friday, agent requests entire manuscript. OH.  MY.  GOD.  This is it.  I hope she likes my book what if she hates my book… I really really hope she likes my book…  She’ll probably hate it.  It SUCKS.

Day 133:  Monday morning.  Agent has read manuscript over the weekend and LIKES IT!  Will send me author/agent agreement to look over.  Must read up on author/agent agreement type stuff, so can ask informed questions and not appear totally clueless. Even though I am.  Totally clueless, that is.

Day 139:  It’s official, I’ve got myself a literary agent!  A wonderful, intelligent, most excellent agent (and obviously, one with very good taste), who LIKES what I write!

This calls for a glass – no, forget that, a whole bottle – of the fizzy stuff.  After all, have a lot to celebrate, now that I’m well on the road to literary fame and fortune…

Day 135:  Chatted on phone with my agent.   (How nice to be able to say, ‘my agent.’)  She loves my manuscript and already has list of editors in mind to read my book when it’s ready.

‘Ready?’ I say, mildly puzzled.  ‘But… it’s ready now, surely.  Isn’t it?’

‘Not quite,’ she says patiently, as if dealing with a six year old who wants to wear her favorite ballet tutu and sparkly tiara to school.  ‘We have to get your novel ready for the editors.  Polish it up a bit.’

Feel like six year old who’s just been told cannot wear favorite ballet tutu and sparkly tiara to school, but must put on sensible dress instead.  Resist urge to cross arms against my chest and sulk.

I affix a suitably intelligent expression on my face and nod, then remember am on phone and she can’t see me.  ‘Of course,’ I say knowingly, as if discussing editors and revisions and manuscripts is something I do all the time.

Day 141:  Agent emails me the first revision to my book.  Hmmm… the edits don’t look too bad, really.  It shouldn’t take more than few days to finish.  Still – I wonder what she means by ‘first revision’ ?  ‘First revision’ implies there’ll be a second, doesn’t it, or perhaps even a third revision.  At any rate, I dive into edits and get to work.

Day 145:  Revision complete.  Feel smug and accomplished.  Feel like Real Writer.  Attach updated Word document to email, type in agent’s email address, press send, and… done!

Day 146:  According to agent, book isn’t formatted properly. Must remove returns between paragraphs; put page numbers at top, not bottom; and fix wonky spacing.


Still, shouldn’t take long to correct – and am learning!  Learning is good.  I want to do things the proper way, after all.  No slip-shoddery here.  Besides, no one ever said being a Real Writer would be easy.  I can do this.  Of course I can.

Can’t I?


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