Category Archives: Monday Blogs

Ten Reasons Why Mr Darcy Reigns Supreme

No one can deny that Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austen’s finest and most memorable male fictional creation. We read and re-read the book; we devour every adaptation and spin-off; we flock to the films staring all of the various Darcys (of which, in my humble opinion, there are only two of note – Colin Firth and Matthew Macfadyen). And still, we cannot get enough of this enigma, this man of contradictions who is Mr Darcy.

So, in a tribute to that most wonderful of misunderstood Regency heroes, I present the top ten reasons why Mr Darcy will always reign supreme:

1. No one can “lock eyes” with a woman like Darcy.




2. He is NOT Mr Bingley. Enough said.




3. He makes scowling sexy.




5. He can make even the most hideous sweater look good.




6. He is not much good at small talk. But who needs small talk?




7. He…well, he…that is, I think…oh dear, words quite fail me.



8. For Mr Darcy, a woman will endure every manner of beautification without complaint.





9. He makes us laugh…



…and puts us in a spin.



10. And no one, no one can kiss quite like Mr Darcy.



So there you have it – ten (well, eleven) very good reasons why my heart will always belong to Darcy.