On Saturday, I made my bi-monthly trip to the bookstores. (Yes, that’s right – ‘bookstores,’ plural. I love me some bookstores.)
I returned home with an armload of September fashion magazines (and a dislocated shoulder from the combined weight of all of those September issues, but that’s another story for another blog), and I was very pleased with my score.
As I settled down on the sofa with a cup of coffee and began flipping through the glossy, gleaming pages, I decided to take note of my thoughts as I eyeballed the editorial pages and adverts. So, in no particular order, and in a totally random fashion (ha ha), here are my random musings.
Alexa Chung is really tall. And really skinny.
Did you know the plural of ‘bon mot’ is ‘bons mots’? Me either.
Do the super-wealthy do nothing but go to parties and charity balls??
NO ONE’S hair is as glossy and smooth as the model’s in the hair ad. I have it on good authority that everything is Photoshopped and retouched. This reassures me.
Why do models & fashion bloggers always pose pigeon-toed? Same with those weird, fish-lipped glamour selfies. You look ridiculous, ladies.

Don’t tell anyone, but I bought these sunglasses at the DOLLAR STORE! #myfashionsecret #dollarstorechic
I’m always amused by the ‘Lust’/’Must’ feature. I can’t afford either the ‘more expensive’ (‘Lust’) OR the ‘less expensive’ (‘Must’) version. Can we add a third category – let’s call it ‘Bust’ – and feature, perhaps, clothes from Wal-Mart?

Me…okay, not me…looking casually fashionable
Pink hair just isn’t a good look. On anyone.
Seventies fashions looked stupid then. They look stupid now.
Sorry, but Zadig & Voltaire still sounds like the name of a comedy team. Or a vaudeville act.
What’s with these small, square purses that look like my third grade lunchbox? Do they come with a Thermos? And maybe a banana and a squashed peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
Does Kristen Stewart ever smile? She scowls. She grimaces. She smirks. C’mon, Kris – give us a real smile! Just once.
Why is it okay for us women to ogle photos of half-naked men (like David Gandy), yet we scream ‘sexism’ if men ogle half-naked photos of us ladies?
Kate Moss still looks amazing.
Does anyone actually wear this stuff? The only normal-looking clothes – and the only ones I can afford – are in the H&M ads.
Rene Gruau’s illustrations should appear far more often on fashion pages than they do.
And here we go again with the scowling thing…do you ever smile, Henry Cavill?
So there you have it. I confess, I’m not remotely fashion-y. I can’t afford the clothes, and I sure as hell don’t look like a model. So why do I continue to buy and devour these fashion magazines every. Single. Month??
I guess it’s because fashion is the ultimate fantasy, where anyone can reinvent themselves with new clothes, hair, shoes, or makeup. In the time it takes me to page through a fashion spread, I can imagine I’m a slim, gorgeous model wearing a trendy Kate Spade tartan skirt and a heather-soft Pringle coat, wandering through the gorse on a misty Highlands morning as Patrick Demarchelier photographs my every move.
Hey. It could happen. Because in the glossy pages of a fashion magazine? Anything’s possible.