Why bother to write a blog? Ah, that is the question.
Why, indeed. I mean, does anyone have time to read blogs these days? More importantly, does anyone read my blog? Aren’t there a million other – better – blogs out there? (Don’t answer that – of course there are!) So why add my pointless meanderings to the blog-geist?
One reason to write a blog is to put myself out there. I want to share my thoughts (and pointless meanderings) with others, and connect with like-minded writers on Twitter. And I have done! I’ve met incredible, smart, helpful people from all over the globe – wonderful, all of them – and I’ve learned a lot.
I’ve learned about indie publishing, self-publishing, and traditional publishing, and the pros and cons of each. I’ve learned how to use social media (er… still working on that one), and I’ve learned some great, corny Cornish jokes (thanks, @Tedster10)!
I’ve learned that having a gazillion Twitter followers isn’t the point. More importantly, it’s about making meaningful connections, promoting other writers whose work you admire, offering encouragement, exchanging information, sharing a quote or a laugh. Tweeters will return the favor, in spades. But as in any social situation, manners still matter. Be polite. Be appreciative. Be kind.
A second reason to blog is to improve my writing. I’m not entirely sure if that’s happened yet, but one thing I do know – blogging has helped. A lot. It forces me to write something – anything – at least once a week. Because let’s face it, no matter how much I love the characters in whatever book I’m working on, it’s nice to break away for an hour or two of blogging. It gives me a deadline to meet. It keeps me creative, and it makes me think. It puts my pointless meanderings out there for all to share. (I don’t know if my readers would agree that’s a good thing, though.)
The third reason to blog is… well, because it’s fun. It doesn’t cost anything (unless you self-host); and it doesn’t require a lot of time or effort to maintain. You meet great people. You learn a lot. You hone your writing skills. What’s not to like?
The hardest thing about blogging? Finding something new to write about each week. I spend half the week staring at my laptop, utterly devoid of ideas, and wonder, ‘What the *!&# will I blog about this time?’
Alas, poor reader, I know this despair well. I’ll find something to write about. I always do.
Now, I need a snack. For some reason, I find I’m in the mood for some Danish ham…
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